At Calvary Heights Baptist Church, we believe that church means more than sitting in a pew. Whether you are looking for a ministry or want to join as a member — we are excited you’re seeking the next step!


We want to help every follower of Jesus obey his command to be baptized (Matthew 28:19). Baptism is a visible symbol of God’s saving work within a person. It is the outward sign of belonging to the people of God—those who have repented and put their faith in Jesus Christ.

You should be baptized if these two conditions describe you:
1) You have repented of your sins and believed on Christ alone for salvation.
2) You have not already been baptized as a believer by immersion.

To get baptized at Calvary Heights Baptist Church, you will need to meet with the pastor for a baptism interview. He will listen to your story of how the Lord drew you to himself and confirm that your understanding of baptism is accurate. Then, you will be scheduled for baptism by the pastor during our Sunday morning worship service. To begin the process, contact Pastor Matt Higgins at (765) 342-7585 for more information.

Becoming A Church Member

Church membership is a commitment to one another—a willing pledge to guard, care, submit, support, and minister together for the building up of our church body.

To understand more about this commitment of becoming a church member, we offer our “Next Step” membership class on a quarterly basis. The membership class has a two- fold purpose:
1) To provide an informal setting to learn what the pastoral staff, church, and Baptists in general believe on various topics. All are welcome, whether or not they are interested in membership.
2) To give an opportunity for potential members to become acquainted with a pastor who can help them connect with one or more of the church’s ministries. The membership class is not a requirement for church membership.

Please contact Pastor Matt Higgins at (765) 342-7585 if you are interested in pre- registering for the next membership class.